Chocolate free Easter ideas

There are certain times of the year when sugar seems to take centre stage, and Easter is one of them. This year, Tarot has gone vegan and I’m counting calories, which makes the prospect of a house full of chocolate feel a bit overwhelming.

With that in mind, I’ve been on the hunt for ways we can make Easter special that don’t involve chocolate. Here’s my round up of the most fun and creative ideas for a great Easter that won’t leave you in need of a diet and dental work.

Alternative egg hunts

There are so many great egg hunt ideas on pinterest, from eggs filled with glow sticks for night-time hunts, to confetti filled eggs that kids can break over one another’s heads when they find them. 

Fillable eggs are a nice easy choice for egg hunts. Try stuffing them with pieces of an Easter jigsaw or bits from a lego set for an activity that will keep them busy long after the hunt is over. 

Trying to be green? You don’t have to go for plastic eggs. Tin or papier-mâché eggs have a nostalgic charm and can be used again and again. Our cotton treat bags are also great for hunts - hang them by the drawstring in trees and bushes. Each treat bag can be personalised with children’s names, so everyone gets their fair share and a re-useable bag of their very own too.

Find the how-to for confetti eggs here


Gift a garden

Nothing says spring like watching things grow! Traditionally, Easter gardens were used to create a religious scene, but these days even a secular Easter involves a show of spring flowers.

We like quirky and unconventional containers that can be popped on the table to cheer things up. Why not create a miniature garden in an Easter basket or pretty teacup with small flowering plants like alyssum and flowering thyme? Add Easter cake decorations like lambs and bunnies for extra cuteness.

For a super simple option, grow cress in old egg shells and pop them in an egg box painted in pastel shades. Funny faces on the egg shells are optional!

Our personalised “Easter garden” gift bags are packed with easy to grow seeds, great fun for encouraging green fingers.

For a few how-to’s on teacup gardens, visit

Fuss free crafting

Who else has a cupboard full of craft sets you dread the kids using because of the mess? If you’re thinking of gifting a craft kit this Easter, make sure it’s something that doesn’t have a hundred bits and please - no glitter! That stuff gets everywhere, and is terrible for the ocean.

I’ve seen some great ideas for Easter bunting, from egg shapes cut out of old paint chip cards, to hanging pom poms with bunny ears.  For an easy no-sew option, give the kids a pile of fabric strips or ribbons in pretty colours to knot on a string .

A circle of card, some double sided tape and a few boxes of Easter chicks are the beginnings of a great Easter wreath - out doesn’t have to be huge, a small wreath is fun for kids bedroom doors.

You can’t beat colouring for an easy craft. Out giant Easter egg colouring poster can be personalised with any name, and is full of fun details kids will love to colour. 

Discover how to make fabric strip bunting here

I hope we’ve given you a few ideas for some sugar free fun of your own. Why not pop over to our chocolate free Easter pinterest board to see some more how to’s for the ideas mentioned in this post